
I’ve been thinking about this for a while and only just hit me tonight to post about it. It’s funny too, because I’ve already done a post about family and what it means to me, but not friends. Not really, anyway. You would think that would be the logical next step, but we all know, or if you don’t know… if you stick around you’ll soon find out, I’m not always the person to take the most logical next step. It keeps things interesting. I tend to get very sidetracked, and for that I do apologize.

I was once someone who could just not go a day without being with my friends. I had a humongous group of people that I called my close friends, and sure, that is what we were. Then I had several people who were so close that I didn’t have to call before stopping by, their house was my house, I had a drawer in at least one of these houses for when I needed a place to crash, and this is something that happened on a regular basis. I was away and with friends more than I was at home and with family.

One of my friends, my very very best friend at the time, and I had this routine of talking on the phone as much as possible, going everywhere together… no literally, he would come to my house and pick me up and we’d go everywhere together. Luckily we only lived a few miles apart. Then we also had this system of putting notes in each others mailboxes or under the windshield wiper of our cars. We went to different schools so it made it a little harder to just pass notes. Yeah, so what if we were big ole goobs. It was nice at the time. Whatever.

My point to all this reminiscing is that I find it funny how all that seems to just disappear as we get older. Now, I know that it’s not the case for some, but it certainly has been for me. At least until recently. I have been getting together with some friends on a semi-regular basis and I’ve been loving every second of it. I know that with being an adult comes responsibility and those responsibilities come first. It’s not like I can just put off my homework like I did before and go watch movies at a friends house. Or decide to stay there instead of going home to my husband and furbabies. Don’t get me wrong here, I love my hubbykins and my furbabies, there are just times when I wonder what ever happened to that side of me, the side that had to be surrounded by friends.

I fully understand that there are reasons behind the not being able to go and do all the time. Money, responsibility, work, etc. But what about the having people over.. or just meeting for lunch on a regular basis, or something.. anything. I think it’s sad how life can just take over and won’t allow for things like that to happen as often as we’d like or even as often as we need them too.

Maybe with a little more effort and a little more planning things will become easier for us. One of these days!
